Posts in Spiritual Life
Family Centered Mass

This Sunday at 10:30am

You are invited to gather with our community in a special way. Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) will be offered, and all children present will be invited to pray together around the altar. No matter what the size or configuration of your family, we hope you consider joining us for this celebration!

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I am excited to invite you to our sixth annual Christmas Concert on Friday, December 14th at 7pm. This year, the choir and orchestra will present John Rutter’s Mass of the Children as our featured work. Mass of the Children, published in 2003, is unlike anything we’ve undertaken before. We will enlist the musical forces of a 70+ voice children’s choir, 60+ adult chorus, and full symphonic orchestra…

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Christifideles Laici (Part 2)

Last week in my article I had written about the 1988 document Christifideles Laici. This was an exhortation written by Pope John Paul II. It was his follow-up to the 1987 synod of bishops. That synod took place during the whole month of October, and it gathered lay people from around the world to discuss with the bishops the role of lay leadership in the Church. That synod followed the lead of Vatican II, which had occurred 20 years earlier, in encouraging the need for active lay participation. It encouraged people to understand and appreciate their dignity and call to be missionaries for Christ…

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Listen with the Ears of Your Heart

Nine years ago, Brian Sieve, a new theology teacher at St. Benedict Prep, thought to revamp how we began our prayer each day in the Secondary School. He added an introductory line before the sign of the cross coming from the opening page of the Rule of St. Benedict: "Listen with the ears of your heart." This short phrase describes the disposition that we need to be in before coming to God in prayer. It is this characteristic of Benedictine spirituality that being receptive or open is emphasized before the mention of being active. For St. Benedict each of us is essentially a "hearer of the Word." Listening, as St. Benedict would later elaborate in his Rule, is the fundamental attitude from which all other attitudes flow...

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Youth Choir Intensive

We are pleased to offer a choir an afternoon "choir intensive" to all SBPS students in grades 3-8. This session is recommended for all students that will be participating in Children's Chorus and Middle School Chorus in the upcoming school year. We will introduce some of the choral repertoire for the upcoming performance season, including John Rutter's "Mass of the Children" which will be performed this December in collaboration with the Ravenswood Symphony Orchestra…

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