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As Baptized followers of Jesus, we are invited, during the course of our whole life to continue to learn about Jesus and our Catholic Christian Faith. Here at St. Benedict, we offer many opportunities to continue to learn about Jesus and grow in our faith. Our Child and Adult catechesis commission, is the collection of ministries dedicated to life long learning around the celebration of sacraments and around different moments in our lives. We are here to help you grow closer to Jesus and His Church.
For more information, please contact the Rectory at 773-588-6484.
Baptisms are scheduled on every Sunday at 1:30 PM and at one of the weekend masses on the fourth weekend of the month. Baptism preparation class is necessary.
Religious education is offered for grades K-8 on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
Preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as penance) for the first time is an exciting time. It is a time for focus on God’s mercy, how we forgive among our family, friends, and community, and how we celebrate forgiveness.
First Eucharist is one of the sacraments of initiation and is usually celebrated in second grade at our parish. First Eucharist is celebrated during the Easter season at a special Eucharistic celebration on a Saturday or Sunday morning. Children must take part in sacramental preparation, either in Religious Education or at our parish school prior to receiving this sacrament.
The sacrament of Confirmation, along with Baptism and Eucharist, is one of the three sacraments of initiation. At Confirmation the Holy Spirit strengthens the baptized Christian and endows her or him with gifts to enable us to carry out our mission to be Christ in the world and to continue building God’s kingdom. To be fully a member of the Catholic Church, one needs to be baptized, confirmed and receive first Eucharist.
Spred (Special Religious Development) is a method of religious education. We gather in small faith communities to foster friendships while growing in our faith journeys together. Along with neighboring parishes’ Spred groups, we invite friends to age groups starting with age 6-10, followed by 11-16, 17-21, and 21 years to end of life. Any interest to explore this method of religious education for a family mArchdiocese of Chicago SPRED Facebook Pageember or as an adult volunteer catechist, partnered to each invited friend in a Spred group, please contact us: Stephanie Dragovich at (773)988-809 or Pat Woodhouse at For more on SPRED, go to the Archdiocese of Chicago SPRED Facebook Page. Watch this ArchChicago SPRED video
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
For unbaptized persons or baptized persons interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and the process of becoming a Catholic, please call the rectory at (773 )588-6484.
Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered during the Sunday morning 10am Mass. It is geared towards children who have not received their first communion. The children of the parish are invited by Father after the Opening Prayer to follow the Prayer Leader (Catechist) to a room where they can participate in age appropriate activities using the Children's weekly bulletins. They return to the congregation after the Creed.