Posts in Catechesis
Blessed, Broken, Given~ The National Catholic Youth Conference~ High School age

“Preparing and going to NCYC was nerve-racking. I had no idea what to expect from this type of conference. All of my doubts and worries quickly diminished as I realized that I was surrounded by 25,000 other teenagers who were also there to learn more about their faith. Every single day was full of keynote speakers, smaller group reflections, singing, and meeting new people from all across the country. Some of my favorite speakers…”

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Living your faith after Confirmation

We commissioned our newest Eucharistic minister this past Sunday at the 10:300 Mass. During the commissioning we were reminded of the importance of receiving the Eucharist and being willing to bring the Body of Christ to others. Yianni chose to serve as a Eucharistic Minister after he received the sacrament of Confirmation in March. The next formation meeting to serve as a Eucharistic Minister is on May 11th after the 5:00 Mass. Email if you would like to attend.

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An Invitation to Pray for our Confirmation Candidates.

On March 28th at 7: 00pm a group of young people from our parish will receive the sacrament of Confirmation. These young people have been preparing for two years for this moment of Grace. As they complete the final month of preparation to receive the sacrament, St Benedict Youth Ministry would like to extend an invitation to our parishioners to pray for one of these young people, by name.

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Family Centered Mass

This Sunday at 10:30am

You are invited to gather with our community in a special way. Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) will be offered, and all children present will be invited to pray together around the altar. No matter what the size or configuration of your family, we hope you consider joining us for this celebration!

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Christmas Eve Nativity Play

Our Annual Christmas Eve Nativity Gospel Play is right around the corner!  This is open to all children from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade. This is the form to sign up your child to participate in this years Nativity Play. Please sign up for the practices that correspond to the Mass you will be attending.  Speaking roles will be determined during practices. All three practices must be attended if your child has a speaking role. Roles will be assigned on the first day of practice…

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First Reconciliation Parents Meeting

November 19th, 2018 there will be a meeting for all parents in our faith community who have children receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This will begin at 7:00 pm, and end at 8:00 pm. It is fine if only one parent is able to attend, but attendance is expected. We will be discussing the Sacrament and how you can prepare yourselves and prepare your children to receive for the first time. We will also discuss how you can deepen your connection to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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Stumbling Blocks

This week’s Gospel begins with the disciples complaining, as they sometimes did, about someone outside their group performing works in Christ’s name. And, as is often the case, Christ immediately begins to correct them. “Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us, is for us.” The disciples are engaging in a finger pointing exercise that back fires on them immediately…

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