We all Belong


My involvement at St. Benedict and in Youth Ministry has brought me into a deeper part of the parish community, reminding me that my efforts as a teenager are valued. Seeing other people my age helping out and participating in activities through the ministry has made me believe that being younger doesn't mean incapable. Through our parish, I have been able to volunteer multiple times with the Youth Ministry, such as visiting the St. Paul's House, the Ronald McDonald House, at the parish in Fright Walk and participating in last year's Hunger Walk. Besides that, I received an amazing opportunity to go to Notre Dame Vision, where I was able to participate with hundreds of teenagers across the nation centered around our Catholic community. It was a week of much reflection, learning, sharing, and fun that I will never forget. My biggest and most important connection to the Church is that I am a lector, something that I originally thought was an adult thing to participate in. Ms. McMillan saw my gift for reading and suggested that I become a lector. Now I have been a lector for more than a year and I feel so blessed that I can use my God-given gift to share the word of the Lord.

Youth Ministry has given me a place to share my gifts and help others realize that they have them, as well. At St Ben’s there is a safe space for all kids willing to volunteer, help, serve and lead in our community. I am forever grateful for the positivity and opportunity that Youth Ministry offers. It has made me feel closer to my faith, my community, and my God-given gifts, something that I will carry for the rest of my life.

Youth Ministry has made me feel like I really belong in our Catholic community.

Cesar Espinoza