New Altar Candlesticks & Paschal Candle Stand

Thanks to the generosity of a parishioner and craftsmen, we have the opportunity to beautify our sanctuary even further. He has offered to create six new custom floor-standing candlesticks that match our beautiful altar and ambo. These new candlesticks will be handmade from the same type of wood as the altar (solid red oak), and will even have matching carved pillar capitals. They will be similar in design to the processional candles that are currently on either side of the cross.

To make a donation, click here or stop by the rectory…

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Divine Renovation Courageous Conversations: Chapter 3 House of Pain

It is a whole plethora of feelings.  I was out of town, and when I came back I found out about this. Every time I think this is over something else comes up.  I am not angry with the priests.  I am angry with the hierarchy.  I understand they did not know how to deal with this, decades ago, but the Church seems more concerned with their reputation than protecting the children.

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Listening is hard work.

“Listening”, and “loving” are words of action. They don’t seem like they should be considered action words because the action both words require, is subtle. They aren’t the kind of verbs that cause us to perspire or be short of breath but, they certainly do require being actively engaged in a relationship where communication is involved.

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I am excited to invite you to our sixth annual Christmas Concert on Friday, December 14th at 7pm. This year, the choir and orchestra will present John Rutter’s Mass of the Children as our featured work. Mass of the Children, published in 2003, is unlike anything we’ve undertaken before. We will enlist the musical forces of a 70+ voice children’s choir, 60+ adult chorus, and full symphonic orchestra…

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Christmas Eve Nativity Play

Our Annual Christmas Eve Nativity Gospel Play is right around the corner!  This is open to all children from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade. This is the form to sign up your child to participate in this years Nativity Play. Please sign up for the practices that correspond to the Mass you will be attending.  Speaking roles will be determined during practices. All three practices must be attended if your child has a speaking role. Roles will be assigned on the first day of practice…

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Choose Joy this Advent!

The quality of music at Mass can have a profound impact on our experience. Mediocre music can leave us feeling uninspired, or worse, disconnect us from our experience. Good music can lift us up, connecting us to something greater than ourselves. My vision for St. Ben’s has always been that we should be a home for good music, inspiring music, transcendent music…

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Last month, during our discussion of the book Divine Renovation, we started to address the topic of clergy sexual abuse as we discussed chapter 3 "House of Pain". It became apparent there is a need for a larger discussion of this topic in order to facilitate the process of healing in our Church.  

Obviously, we don't have all the answers, nor can we expect to solve this crisis on our own. However, having an open and honest discussion will allow us to begin the healing process.  

We will hold an all-parish conversation about this difficult topic.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 11th, from 7pm to 9pm in Beaven Hall. 

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It takes a Parish...

Last Sunday, November 18th, the parish of St Benedict headed over to St Paul’s House on California to help do a little holiday decorating for the people who live there. It was such a joy to participate in such a parish wide effort. The Holy Name Society offered to purchase the tree for decorating. The school children creatively made ornaments from recycled materials. There were enough ornaments to decorate 3 trees. Such creativity was a delight as we hung the ornaments and engaged in conversation with the residents. A group of about 10 teens from Youth Ministry and a few of their parents joined in the decorating as did several ladies and families, from the parish. When the residents came in to help it became a real party with cookies, hot chocolate and some absolutely delightful conversation…

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First Reconciliation Parents Meeting

November 19th, 2018 there will be a meeting for all parents in our faith community who have children receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This will begin at 7:00 pm, and end at 8:00 pm. It is fine if only one parent is able to attend, but attendance is expected. We will be discussing the Sacrament and how you can prepare yourselves and prepare your children to receive for the first time. We will also discuss how you can deepen your connection to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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