Posts in Youth Ministry
An Invitation to Pray for our Confirmation Candidates.

On March 28th at 7: 00pm a group of young people from our parish will receive the sacrament of Confirmation. These young people have been preparing for two years for this moment of Grace. As they complete the final month of preparation to receive the sacrament, St Benedict Youth Ministry would like to extend an invitation to our parishioners to pray for one of these young people, by name.

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30 Hour Fast

Teens, Would you like to do something to raise awareness and raise money to end Word Hunger? Fasting has a long history in our faith as a way of strengthening our spiritual life. CRS Food Fast connects the tradition of Catholic fasting with global hunger and it’s so much more than skipping a few meals…

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Family Centered Mass

This Sunday at 10:30am

You are invited to gather with our community in a special way. Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) will be offered, and all children present will be invited to pray together around the altar. No matter what the size or configuration of your family, we hope you consider joining us for this celebration!

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Listening is hard work.

“Listening”, and “loving” are words of action. They don’t seem like they should be considered action words because the action both words require, is subtle. They aren’t the kind of verbs that cause us to perspire or be short of breath but, they certainly do require being actively engaged in a relationship where communication is involved.

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It takes a Parish...

Last Sunday, November 18th, the parish of St Benedict headed over to St Paul’s House on California to help do a little holiday decorating for the people who live there. It was such a joy to participate in such a parish wide effort. The Holy Name Society offered to purchase the tree for decorating. The school children creatively made ornaments from recycled materials. There were enough ornaments to decorate 3 trees. Such creativity was a delight as we hung the ornaments and engaged in conversation with the residents. A group of about 10 teens from Youth Ministry and a few of their parents joined in the decorating as did several ladies and families, from the parish. When the residents came in to help it became a real party with cookies, hot chocolate and some absolutely delightful conversation…

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