Posts in Homepage Featured
Is it Time to Update My Personal Giving?

St. Benedict Parish offers an abundance of ministries and services to our community. We are only able to offer all of these through the generosity of our parishioners and friends of our parish. This month, we ask that you consider your own personal stewardship and giving. If you haven't already, consider signing up for automated online giving. If you already give online, perhaps consider updating your level of stewardship. It is through your generosity that we can continue our mission.

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God has a plan for our life~ Notre Dame Vision for teens can help teens see that plan

You will benefit from some of the best speakers from across campus and across the country whose stories, witness, and humor will challenge you to expand your imagination and deepen your faith.  Whether you are in the large group setting as one of 360 teenagers from across the country or in the small group with 7 other teens your own age, you will find yourself in a vibrant and welcoming community…read more

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From the Bench: 'Where is that Kyrie from, and why does it sound familiar?'

Each line of text is repeated three times, which is slightly different than the call and response format we have become used to in the modern Church. This ancient practice stems from the regard of the number 3 as a sacred number. Because there are three line of text, and each is repeated three times, this nine-fold plea for mercy is intended to bend the ear of the Divine. I have chosen to re-introduce this practice in Lent to emphasize the penitent nature of the season…

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Musicians Wanted for 10:30am Mass Ensemble

We are in search of Instrumentalists and vocalists to try and build up our 10:30am Mass ensemble. The 10:30am Mass has a more contemporary and relaxed feel, and the music reflects this style. There is no audition for vocalists. The only prerequisite is a love for singing and the ability to match pitch.Instrumentalists should have solid music/chord reading skills and be able to play at an intermediate level or higher. All ages are welcome! Parents are welcome to have their children join them in the choir area during Mass.…

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An Invitation to Pray for our Confirmation Candidates.

On March 28th at 7: 00pm a group of young people from our parish will receive the sacrament of Confirmation. These young people have been preparing for two years for this moment of Grace. As they complete the final month of preparation to receive the sacrament, St Benedict Youth Ministry would like to extend an invitation to our parishioners to pray for one of these young people, by name.

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30 Hour Fast

Teens, Would you like to do something to raise awareness and raise money to end Word Hunger? Fasting has a long history in our faith as a way of strengthening our spiritual life. CRS Food Fast connects the tradition of Catholic fasting with global hunger and it’s so much more than skipping a few meals…

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