I want to remember my experiences at Notre Dame Vision

My favorite thing about ND Vision was the small groups and the activities we did. I really enjoyed going because we didn’t only pray the whole trip, we did very fun activities like drawing pictures for a partner, getting to make friends, playing games, socializing, etc. I want to remember all the friends that I made from all over the country, from California to Canada. I also want to remember all the lessons I got out of the talks and the stories of grace. They had guest speakers come in and talk about God but also about life, and things that happen in life. I’ve gotten to take away so many lessons. I will also never forget the welcoming community and all my friends. I will cherish the memories I made forever. When I first signed up for Vision I though it was going to be a camp where we prayed all day but it’s not at all. The mentors take stories from the bible and turn them into musicals and they also make up many fun activities for us to participate in. My faith has definitely grown so much, just from the past week and I’m so lucky to have grown this much. At the end of the week we wrote affirmation letters to each person in our group. When we gave them to each other, all the compliments made everyone feel amazing! You can count on me returning next year!!         Anna Henderson
