Sunday Sharing 7.14.19
By Fr. Steve Kanonik
This weekend we celebrate our patron saint: Saint Benedict. There is so much we can learn from him to guide us in our everyday lives. Last year when I wrote in the bulletin on his Feast Day I talked about some of the key points or practices in The Rule of St. Benedict that make it a valuable guide for us even today to help us live a balanced and simple life. Although it was written for monks, it can easily apply to our lives today as a parish, in families, or in a single life.
St. Benedict asked his monks to take three vows which were to guide them. They promised Obedience, Stability, and Conversion of Life. While we can spend some time talking about each of them, I would like to focus on the third vow: Conversion of Life. St. Benedict believed that all human beings were very important. They were created in God’s image and likeness.
Although we are sinners and therefore incomplete, he believed we need to keep on working to improve ourselves. Or more properly, to become the person God created us to be. He wanted all people to see in us Jesus Christ. In addition he wanted his monks to work with God on the Conversion of all Life. He wanted his monks to see the value and holiness of their lives, and for them to help others see the value and holiness of their lives. He wanted them to make the world a reflection of God’s Kingdom.
As spiritual children of Holy Father Benedict we can take his insights about human nature and life, and reflect on how they can help us in our lives today.
In prayer we can ask if we see the value and holiness of our life and recognize ourselves as an image of Christ. What about each of our family members? Our neighbors? Co-workers? Fellow classmates? Fellow parishioners? Even though no one in this group is perfect, can I still see their value, goodness, and holiness?
And if I really believe this, then how do we all grow? What can I do to grow in holiness? How can I help my family, and others to reach their potential? This is the Conversion of Life that Benedict asked his monks to seek. On his feast we can honor him by dedicating our lives to follow in his way.
St. Benedict, Pray for Us.