Posts in Parish Featured
Parish Leadership Night

Tuesday, September 14th at 7pm in Beaven Hall

The main topic of discussion will center around how the parish will emerge from the pandemic, and how we will restart and re-energize the parish and its ministries going forward. We are looking for input from as many parishioners as possible, so please feel free to invite a friend to join in the discussion! Questions? Please contact any of the parish staff or clergy.

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THIS SUNDAY: All are Invited to A Prayer Service for Repentance and Healing

Sunday, August 29th at 4pm

Awareness of residential schools was heightened during a discussion in the Pathways Toward Peace community by the reports of 215 children’s remains found in a mass grave at a residential school in Canada. Sadly, these residential schools, instituted by the government, were run in Canada and in the United States and administrated by some orders in the Catholic Church…

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Religious Education Registration Reminder

If you have not already done so, please remember to register your child or children in the Religious Education program before September 1, 2021. Registering before September 1st will guarantee your child(ren) a place in a grade-level class and that he/she has a book for the first day of classes.

Please contact Elaine Lindia at (773)509-3806 or at with any questions. Thanks!

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Conversations in the Courtyard: How to Welcome the LGBTQ+ Community

Thursday, August 19th at 7pm

In the rectory garden

You are invited to join with the young adults from Saint Andrew Parish for our summer series, "Conversations in the Courtyard." The next session will be Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 7:00pm. Food and beverages are provided for free! The conversation will be hosted by JR Zerkowski who is the executive director of Fortunate Families. We will be discussing how the church can better support and care for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Questions? email Kim McMillan Young Adult Ministry

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