St. Benedict Parish

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Lenten Family Workshop Family Treasures Saturday, February 10 at 9:30 am

Treasure in Jars of Clay is a family walk with Jesus through the holy season of Lent. At the center of this journey is a large jar around which your family can gather each day for a prayerful reflection and short activity. This devotional will provide short readings and meaningful activities that families can do together in 5-10 minutes each day throughout Lent.

We had such great feedback regarding our Family Advent Wreath Making Workshop! We are planning a Lent Family Prayer Workshop for Saturday, February 10 at 9:30AM.


WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Families of any age, makeup or size who are interested in starting a whole family Lenten experience using prayer and reflection - focusing on prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Workshop is also suitable for single people, new couples or empty nesters who are looking for a new tradition or routine to help create some spiritual time during Lent.

WHERE: Heidenreich Hall in the School Building. Please enter at 3911 N. Bell.

WHEN: Saturday, Feb 10 beginning at 9:30AM and ending before 11AM.

COST: $25/family to help cover the cost of the terra cotta pot, paint supplies and other materials. Payment will be take at the door. Payments may be made with cash, check, Venmo, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

ACITIVITIES: There will be a brief overview of the 3 spiritual Lenten practices that prepare us to walk with Jesus through his passion, death, and resurrection. Then families will be introduced to the special family devotional, “Treasure in Jars of Clay” written by Steve and Sue Givens. We will model how to use this devotional using a family made/designed “vessel” to house daily practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. After families are done decorating their Lenten Vessel, we will go to the chapel for a short prayer service and blessing of our vessels. Younger children will be given additional age-appropriate activities to complete alongside their families.

This project will be used throughout the Lenten season and beyond if it’s right for your family.

We hope you will join us!