St. Benedict Parish

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Creating the Covenant

The outcome of the Renew My Church process includes St. Andrew Parish and St. Benedict Parish continuing as separate parishes, while recognizing there are many ways we are able to better impact our community, in collaboration. A covenant between the parishes is the way this agreement of ministering collaboratively, will be lived out. The covenant will outline where our two parishes can collaboratively minister so as to better bring Christ's mission to the neighborhood and communities in which we exist. 

After collaboration with both staffs and pastors a decision to engage an outside organization to support the creation of this covenant was made. Leadership Rountable has been working with parishioners from both parishes to pray, discern and discuss the structure of this covenant. With the goal to create a covenant to better serve the people of our communities in their relationship with Christ, this group has reached the place in their work where they need the input and thoughts of all the people of St Andrews Parish and St Benedict Parish.

There will be several chances for parishioners to view, listen, dialogue and contribute to the covenant. Please choose one of these dates to attend a listening and dialogue session. Your imagination and observations about the ways in which our parishes can be Better Together are needed. We would like everyone to be involved in confirming this covenant. Please plan on attending one of these sessions.

Some of these meeting times are specifically looking for the input of certain demographics but, it is better to attend a meeting than to not attend, even if it isn't your demographic.

Sun - October 23 - 9:00am / Parishioners/ Saint Benedict Parish /Beaven hall

Sun - October 23 - 1:00pm /Parishioners/ Saint Benedict Parish/ Beaven hall

Wed - October 26 - 8:00pm/ Parishioners/ Zoom / St Benedict and St Andrew 

Sat - October 29 - 4:00pm/ Senior Citizen Parishioners/ Saint Benedict Parish

Sun- November 6 - 11:00am / KofC / Holy Name / Dads group/St Vincent de Paul at Saint Benedict Parish/ Beaven Hall