Pathways Toward Peace ~ Anti- Racism Conversations


Beginning in June our parish has hosted conversations online for parishioners and their friends, to support participants as we grow in understanding of systemic racism and how we, as Catholics can respond. We started with weekly discussions around the Bishops Document, Open Wide Our Hearts which addresses the sin of racism and how change starts with each individual’s reflection on their own contribution to this sin. The group has continued to meet twice a month to accompany and grow with each other in understanding and action.

Our next Zoom meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 9th at 7:30 pm. Please consider participating in these enlightening discussions around building an anti-racism community. The conversations are designed to facilitate listening, reflection, solidarity and lead us to action, in light of racism in our city and our world. All Parishioners, Families, Young Adults and Youth are invited.

The link and password are sent out in our weekly constant contact email but can also be received by emailing, .

kim mcmillan