St. Benedict Parish

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Please Fill Out This Evaluation for Fr. Tom

September 23, 2021

Dear Parishioners, Your associate pastor, Fr. Tom Refermat, will soon be participating in the Catholic Leadership 360 Review process. This review process is part of the ordinary structure required by Archdiocesan Policy of every diocesan priest approximately every five years. It is an opportunity for Fr. Refermat to recognize his talents and to grow to become a better priest and pastoral minister. Selected members of the parish staff and parish leadership, your Dean, and myself will be asked to be reviewers using this instrument.

According to Archdiocesan policies lay leadership and parishioners are to be given the opportunity to recognize Fr. Refermat's gifts and to share their sentiments about his ministry. So, we are providing a parish-wide survey as part of his review process. The survey can be easily accessed by going to the Archdiocese's web page and clicking on Offices and Ministries on the top panel. This will bring you to an alphabetical listing of offices. Under 'M', select Ministerial Resources for Parishes. You will then be directed to the Ministerial Resources for Parishes webpage. In the middle of the page, you will find "Parish-wide survey review for priests". The survey is available in English, Spanish, and Polish. Please click on the word 'Link' next to your appropriate language to access the survey.

If you have any concerns or comments pertaining to Father's review, feel free to contact me directly. If you have any further questions or suggestions about the review process you may contact Fr. Bob Heidenreich, Coordinator of Ministerial Review and Priests Programs, by email { or by phone at the Priests' Placement Office (312-534-5237).

When the Catholic Leadership 360 Review process has been completed Fr. Refermat will be asked to share the insights he has received and his further developmental plans with you in the parish bulletin and on the parish web site. Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate and provide constructive information.

Sincerely yours,

Most Reverend Mark A. Bartosic

Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago

Episcopal Vicar of Vicariate II