How I Pray: Introspective Prayer
When the question was proposed to me, how and when do I pray, I had no hesitation. For many of us, prayer is a personal gift that seldom is talked about, and prayer is usually different for each individual. Prayer for me is not much different then when talking to one of my best friends. Or perhaps, for me, prayer may be even a bit more personal. I make myself vulnerable to God knowing that he already knows everything about me.
Since I was a small child, I’ve come to know God by sharing things with him that I could never share with anyone else. Whether I was angry or happy, God became my best friend and though, often, I might of felt alone, I really never was. Theres no doubt that I say the regular daily prayers in reflection every morning and evening. Yet, for me, speaking with God throughout the day, continues to be a regular routine. I thank him often, and ask for advice. When life feels difficult I often ask for forgiveness and strength and regularly pray for the sick, grieving, homeless and those whom I encounter along the day. For others, this may not seem like prayer, yet, for me, every conversation I engage in with God, Jesus or our Blessed Mother is certainly not only a gift, to me, its prayer.
Yes, indeed, prayer is unique for each one of us. And for each of us, how and when we pray is personal and yet, truly a treasure that we’ve each been blessed with.
Kathy Minecci
Kathy Minneci, a Lector and Eucharistic minister at the 7:30 a.m. Mass, also serves as a Minister of Care, SPRED catechist, and member of the Parish Mission committee. She is a 2018 recipient of the Archdiocese's Christifideles award. Kathy shares the gift of prayer with her husband Joe, their three adult children, and their grandchildren.