Sunday Sharing 5.19.19
Kim Mcmillan, Director of youth Ministry
Talking about faith is a tricky conversation. Often these days, in an effort not to offend people, we tend to keep our faith and faith practices private. In the first reading today we hear of the disciples, the followers of Jesus’ teachings, going from place to place telling people the Good News and drawing them to become followers of Jesus too. There was an urgency to their mission to bring others to Christ.
When Christ told them He would return they believed He would return soon. Their mission, to bring others to follow Christ, needed to happen quickly.
Today, as we wait for Christ’s return the urgency to draw others to Him seems to have diminished. In fact, we often feel ill equipped to talk about faith at all.
This week we completed our first ALPHA for Youth sequence. The sessions, whether for adults or young people are intended to help participants asks questions and share with each other their thoughts about matters of faith. The hope is to evangelize people to become followers of Christ and to equip young people and adults to ask questions and develop a language and a confidence in matters of faith. The evening consists of a meal, a movie and small discussions. This was my first experience with ALPHA and I thought the pattern of community building and trust was great. I will be forever grateful to the adults who took on roles for hospitality, table facilitator’s, meal organizer and prayer warriors. Their consistent presence is witness to the importance of sharing and living faith boldly. The value they placed on being present each week backed up their words with action. If you might be interested in being a part of the ALPHA core team, please let me know. We will offer a youth ALPHA again.
When we do I hope parents, grandparents, Confirmation sponsors, Godparents, neighbor and friends invite a young person to attend.
May the Holy Spirit inspire us with the same urgency the first followers of Christ had because OUR Mission as followers hasn’t changed. We need to spread the Good News!