Small Changes for a Larger Purpose - Part 2


I wrote a while back about our collections and announcements at Mass (link). Our liturgy team has been working diligently, and we are excited to roll out our next set of revisions. You’ll probably notice that we have made some changes to the layout of the church...


The server chairs and credence table have been moved to the opposite side. This frees up space for the procession to leave the sacristy, and also eliminates the need for the servers to walk up the stairs with a heavy tray.


The cantor stand has been moved down out of the dark corner where it once was. Aside from better lighting, the new placement will allow the cantor to be closer to the assembly. I hope that this move will allow them to connect better with the people and to inspire our sung prayer together. Being closer to the piano and organ will also allow the cantor to communicate more easy with the accompanist and choir. Last, it no longer blocks the way into the sacristy, allowing for easier movement.

As always, we welcome your feedback. 

Jeremy Kiolbassa

Director of Music & Liturgy