St. Benedict Parish

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New Altar Candlesticks & Paschal Candle Stand

by Jeremy Kiolbassa, Director of Music & Liturgy

I wrote about the reason we have changed the arrangement of the altar candles a few weeks back in  “What’s with all the Candles on the altar? “ In short, the candles represent the Light of Christ, and therefore we should let that light shine as brightly as possible. Now, thanks to the generosity of a parishioner and craftsmen, we have the opportunity to beautify our sanctuary even further. He has offered to create six new custom floor-standing candlesticks that match our beautiful altar and ambo. These new candlesticks will be handmade from the same type of wood as the altar (solid red oak), and will even have matching carved pillar capitals. They will be similar in design to the processional candles that are currently on either side of the cross.

This is an incredible opportunity to ad a beautiful element to our church that will last for generations. We need to raise about $3,000 to cover the cost of materials. That might seem like a lot, but keep in mind that this will cover the cost of all the special fittings and carved elements.

We are also in need of a new Paschal Candle stand. The current stand is starting to show its age, and has started to bend from the weight of the candle. It is also too small for our large sanctuary. We would like to order a new, larger stand that better fits our space. Moreover, as representation of the light of Christ, this stand should be big and bold! The cost of the new paschal candle stand is roughly $1000.

To make a donation, click here or stop by the rectory, or simply include an envelope in the weekly collection labeled “candlesticks”. Thank you for your generosity!