Dedicate a Hymnal & Help the Choir Get New Robes
Consider dedicating a hymnal to a friend or family member. This is a wonderful and permanent way to honor, remember, celebrate, or pray for a loved one. Each dedication is affixed to the inside cover of one hymnal and will remain there for the life of the book (25+ years), reminding all who open it of those memorialized.
All funds raised will help us to purchase new choir robes. Each new set of robes costs approximately $175 per person, making the total cost for the 25 new robes around $4,375. Please consider helping us reach this modest goal by dedicating a hymnal, or through a one-time gift.
The cost to dedicate one hymnal is $25. Simply fill out the form below to get started. Once you have submitted the form, you can pay online via Give Central, or by mailing or dropping off a payment to the rectory. For questions, contact Jeremy Kiolbassa at
The cost of a dedication is $25 per book. Once you have submitted your dedication(s), payment can be made via check mailed or brought to the rector, or online by clicking below.