This weekend we hear in the Gospel of Matthew, parables about the Kingdom of God. How are we to see the Kingdom in the world around us, what does it look like and how can I help it grow in our world?
With the weeds and the wheat, Jesus reminds us that we should not expect perfection in this world. We are not perfect and no one else is either. We will fail at times and the weeds of our lives will be clear. However, we have much to offer and God will use the wheat of our lives to make a difference if we let him.
Our world has its share of weeds, but it also has much wheat. The Kingdom of God will be found in the wheat of the world. Where are we able to see that goodness? How can we grow and strengthen all that goodness?
If we decide to focus on the weeds, we can become depressed and find ourselves overwhelmed. Jesus says to leave that be and it will be handled in the end. For now focus on the wheat and let it grow strong. Do not damage all that is good because of what is bad. They are both a part of the world.
In the mustard seed, Jesus reminds us that the Kingdom will be found in even the smallest acts done for God. He calls us not to underestimate what those small acts can become. He uses the example of a mustard seed that becomes a large bush. He calls us to realize that even something simple done for God can and will have a large impact on the world.
In the bit of yeast that transforms the whole batch of flour we are again reminded that what we may think is small and of little value can be used by God to transform much in our world. We are called to see the Kingdom in even the smallest things that change our world for the better.
Can we see this as an important message for us right now? The Kingdom of God is still all around us and in us. Yes, there are many weeds in our world. We are facing this virus that is deeply changing our lives. We are seeing the struggles our society is undergoing as we consider racism and our history and how the very structures of our society can hurt people. We are seeing people use violence and anger, hatred and division, to attack our society and try further to divide us instead of finding ways to bring real healing. Yes, there are many weeds in this world. And, if we focus on them, we will feel overwhelmed and think that God is not here with us and we miss all the wheat which surrounds us. There is also much wheat growing around us. If we look around, can we see the kindness, courage, strength, and care of those we walk through the world with? In the smallest and simplest of such actions, we can see the hand of God.
Maybe this week we can focus our attention on the Kingdom of God. We can ask ourselves each day where I have seen the Kingdom of God that day. What did it look like? And, how can I help it grow, with God’s help?
Also in great news, we were able to open up to phase 2 last weekend. You can see some pictures on the below. If you are interested in attending Mass, please register online. Go to the website, and click on reopening. You will find some of the guidelines and the link to register. If you have any questions please feel free to call. With the work of our fabulous reopening team we are doing all we can to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus as much as we can, and try to keep everyone as safe as possible.
Fr. Steve Kanonik