St. Benedict Parish

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Divine Renovation Meeting Notes 4.9.2019

Divine Renovation Meeting – April 9, 2019

The whole principal of the chapter is how to engage people in the parish community.

It would be interesting to know the real impact on marriage couples with all the things suggested by the author. The suggestions take a lot of time.

How are we going to convince people to move forward and go with the vision the author is suggesting? An example would be the suggestion to have people go through Alpha…His suggestions are very intense and require a lot of resources and training.

It might be easier to convince the RCIA to do the extra things compared to the people that are already aware of the culture and the expectations we have as a parish community.

The idea of an open-ended RCIA would be good to explore. It is important to meet people where they are in their faith journey.

We need to continue offering Adult Faith Formation opportunities so not just the youth are considered.

We assume we know what people want – we do not know what people need in their faith formation.

In the past, members of the group experienced small faith communities where they studied a book together. This was a transformative experience.

A member of the group was invited to be on the Parish Pastoral Council. The invitation is important…

Our Discussion centered around the current sacramental structure...

For many people it seems very important that their children make the sacraments, but they don’t go to church.

There is a disconnect between being part of the Church and “getting something” in the sacraments.

We need to consider how the sacraments are actually creating disciples rather than checking something off a list.

Are all the hoops we have to jump through preventing some people from becoming part of the Church? Perhaps looking at the sacraments in a legalistic sense rather than a pastoral sense is not the way.

We spent a lot of time catechizing children, but how do we catechize the parents? It almost seems like it should be done in reverse, as far as priorities.

We need to think about how to follow up on sacraments. Reflected on the success of a neighboring parish, in that the Confirmandi wanted to continue to meet after they received the sacrament.


I was struck with how they discussed families and the Eucharist and Mass.

Some are not ready for the Sacraments at the regular scheduled time.

Sacramental preparation can be more tailored.

For Confirmation, it can be removed from 8th grade.

Confirmation is a Sacrament in search of a theology.

Family based Catechesis could be a good model.

Family based could differentiate between the family’s needs.

We should concentrate on quality versus quantity.

People show up just to check off the box, Communion, Confirmation….

Which of the Sacraments would you start with to revamp prep?

It is a good idea to have model families to connect with?

Regarding adults, one of the biggest challenges is the core group of people who are looking for additional things and opportunities….

One of the challenges with adult faith formation you have people at all different levels.

Faith sharing groups are a good place to start….

We should consider making Confirmation more of a family affair. The benefit would be twofold and help parents connect with their teens about faith.

People don’t prioritize being together as a family in the same way that they used to. It’s hard to convince people to gather when they can connect electronically.

We discussed how we are curious to what the Canadian St. Ben’s is like now.

This chapter really said it is not a Catholic culture anymore.

We wonder if they are back to their old number levels, is it because things broke down?

I know it is not a new thing, but trying to meet people where they are at with the Sacraments, giving them options…

We could have families that have the capacity to share with others can with other families.