St. Benedict Parish

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My Experience at Notre Dame Vision

Nicholas Biernadski 
I am so grateful for the opportunity of going to Notre Dame Vision this year. It was my first time going to this camp, so I didn't really know what to expect. However, I enjoyed my experience so much that I am planning to go again next year. The various experiences I had were unique and memorable, and also strengthened my faith as a Catholic. I really enjoyed the many guest speakers, all of which spoke messages that my fellow youth and I could relate to, since many included personal stories. The time spent with our inner groups was insightful and allowed for an exchange of ideas. The time in the church was also important to me as personal reflection allows you to learn more about yourself and your faith. All these experiences and meeting like- minded friends my age really made my time an important moment for the strengthening of my faith in the Catholic Church.    



Cesar Espinoza 

Vision 2018 was the most eye-opening experience that someone could have. Many people see this opportunity to enhance your religious life, but there are many other components that will make this enhance your entire life. When I was welcomed, I felt so connected with everyone there already and finding other people who were my age that would engage in the same activities that I was in. The most memorable message we had was on the first day where I felt like the only one that was different from everybody else. But when Mike Patin entered DeBartillo Hall in front of all of the students, he told us that we all belonged, and that really struck me. Even though we all might think we were freaks or different, we still belonged. I wanted to become the best person I could possibly be in my life and what Notre Dame had to offer guided me, the people in my small group, and even the mentors who led us, to open up and share what we have to offer back in the world.